Thursday, February 26, 2015

Student Success Statement
“It may make a difference to all eternity whether we do right or wrong today.”

                        ~James Freeman Clark

It clearly states in the bible that we would only make it to heaven if we do what’s right. (Romans 2:13) For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God's sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous. If you follow what the Bible says and do what’s right it would make a big change when God comes and judges us besides on what we did here on earth.I also believe that if you sin and ask for forgiveness and you do it again your choices the wrong and God would forgive you. Learn from your mistakes and don't do them again !
     Travel tour guide
Duties and responsibilities
Tour guides work in the travel industry, giving guided tours to groups of visitors. They are experts on the history of the location and offer their tour groups interesting or enlightening information about points of interest at nature attractions, historic sites, museums, scenic locations, and other travel destinations. Guides may give walking tours, bus tours, or even lead river tours on a boat. Often hired by visitors' bureaus or travel companies, tour guides are typically residents of the region in which they give tours.
Salaries start from $17,110 and go up to $37,550.
Candidates who want to become a Tour Guide should have the minimum of a high school diploma or its equivalent in order to secure employment. In addition, some large cities such as Washington DC and New York require candidates who want to become a Tour Guide to secure licensure. Some possible requirements that need to be met in order to attain licensure include passing a background check and passing a licensing exam. Candidates should have the ability to read and write proficiently in order to prepare for and take the exam. Licensing exams can ask questions regarding a city's history, specific places, buildings and attractions. In addition, some Tour Guides may have the opportunity to learn about their field by receiving on the job training from their employer. Training is provided by the company and candidates may have to continue taking training courses through their career in order to brush up on their knowledge.


I would definitely love to become a traveling tour guide.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Student Success Statement
“The best way to predict your future is to create it”

                   By: Charles Ketterer

I definitely agree with quote I mean that’s what I do every time before I go to sleep, I think and think and create what my future is going to look like imagining and dreaming of it it’s free and it’s wonderful to feel the sensation of knowing how prosperous you want your life to be. I know everything its possible in this life you just have to have the character to build it and never give up because if you really want it you’ll work for it no matter what. I agree it’s not going to be easy and free. But who said things were free in this word you want it work for it!
Bless You
The origin of the "bless you" tradition is not entirely clear. It comes from the time of the Great Plague. As sneezing was one of the first symptoms, and it was obvious that person would die, "bless you" (or "God bless you") was a suitable thing to say. The saying was originated during the Bubonic plague. The Fact is people have come up with many theories how and why the word “bless you” was originated. Here are some theories. One involves the (hopefully) mistaken belief that a human’s soul might escape through a sneeze. Saying "God bless you" wards off Satan while the soul is temporarily vulnerable. Another story veers toward the medical. Once upon a time, people believed that the heart stopped during a sneeze. A hearty "God bless you" set the ol’ ticker back in motion. Today, "bless you" is more a sign of good manners than a shield against death.

Friday, February 20, 2015


It’s really amazing what she did  there is little amount of people that would've done the same thing  and the fact that she didn't
 even have to think about it twice but instead immediately called the police and reported that she had found $3600.Even thought I don’t know her I’m really proud of her and wished to tell her faced to faced what great role model she is. I think that God put a test and she easily passed it because it’s obvious she reads the bible and believes in God. So I think we need more people like her in this world. Just to think about the fact that probably the old man might use the money for something really important that the money had to be used for. I hope the old man gets the money back because according to my knowledge they were looking for him but I don’t know if he got it back so blessed Rachelle for doing something really impressive.

Student Success Statement
“Ask yourself is it right or wrong and act accordingly.”

                             By: Otto graham, Jr

I agree with this quote from Otto because if you know something its right you need to follow it according to it because that’s the only way you’re going to do what’s right or in the either hand you thought it was right when it wasn't then that’s another thing your going to find out if what you did was right or wrong and if it was wrong you won’t do it again. So you need to ask yourself if it’s right or wrong and if its right be a CTR person and do what’s right.
Health Information Specialists
Duties and responsibilities
Most health information management specialists focus on patient security or privacy, coding or records administration. Many professionals are employed by hospitals, where they work with patient care data and ensure proper insurance payment reimbursement, the accuracy of data for public health records and the security of patients' electronic health records information. Other professionals may work for government agencies, insurance companies or other health care facilities.
$37,710 per year
In order to find an entry-level position, aspiring health information management specialists need to be familiar with basic medical vocabulary and insurance coding techniques. Most employers hire candidates that have earned an associate's degree in health information management. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2008 there were over 200 schools in the United States accredited to offer such a program through the Commission for Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management Education (CAHIIM). Courses in these programs focus on topics that include medical terminology, anatomy, medical coding, statistics and database security.


Yes I would one day love to become health specialists because I love helping other people and what feels more satisfying then having the pleasure to help people in need for example if someone is sick or doesn’t feel right I’ll be there to help them.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


I think its really nice and touching what Miles did because he even said it he wanted to buy a video game if I would've found it I’m pretty sure I would've kept them that’s why I’m really proud of him. Makes me realize how lucky I am to have my father with me and not appreciating that makes me feel guilty. At times you don’t appreciate what you have in front of you until you lose it I hope that’s not my case. I’m going to start doing what’s right following my heart just like Miles did. HE remembered his dad once he see the soldier and did what he thought was right and just followed his heart. I also think it’s really touching how he didn't get to meet his father but I’m pretty sure his dad is really proud of him and his watching over him all the way from heaven.

Student Success Statement
“Act well your part; there all honor lies”

                              By: Alexander Pope

This quote from Alexander Pope left me thinking, because at first I didn't get it I thought it was saying to do your part and you’re going to be honoring your lies but I got the message all wrong. I agree because if you are an honor man or woman that’s going to make you an honor person. Always chose the right and everything would be right. 
Environmental Health Specialists
Duties and responsibilities
 Some of their duties and responsibilities are to complete work assignments as delegated by Environmental Health Supervisor or Administrator. Assists the Health Officer, EVN Supervisor, and administrator in formulating administrative and operational policies and procedures. Conducts basic operational functions and procedures of Environmental Health Division, such as: Conducting pre-plan reviews, inspections, and operations of food establishments, public and Semi-public swimming pools and swimming areas, tattoo parlors, and septic systems. May also Participate in mosquito control, animal bite program, food borne illness investigations, food product tampering investigations, food safety education, hazardous material spill management,  educational activities, complaint management, and emergency preparedness activities. Promote the health of the community and local environment by assuring compliance with Indiana Law, ISDH codes, regulations, rules and procedures; as well as,
The median salary was $61,700 in 2010 and employment is expected to grow 19% from 2010 to 2020, according to the Occupational Outlook Handbook. Your salary potential depends on education, professional credentials, where you work and who you work for.

To become an Environmental health specialist you are required to have Bachelor's degree, Degree Field Occupational health, safety or a comparable scientific discipline Certification  Voluntary certification is available through professional organizations Experience           Work experience is important, through internships or otherwise Key Skills. Good communication skills, attention to detail, problem-solving personality



I would most likely wan to become an Environmental Health specialists because it has to do with nature and the environment and it seems pretty peaceful and interesting

Friday, February 13, 2015

                                         Student Success Statement
“Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for its better to be alone than in bad company”

By: George Washington

I agree with this quote from our first president George Washington he was a smart man. Definitely it’s better to be alone and happy than in bad company and be sad and depressed. Bad friends are going to push you to do bad things for example if you have friends that smoke and get high the whole time they are going to make you smoke too and since their your friends you would do it. That’s why I think if you want to live a good life you have to be a CTR person and make good decisions because if not there going to hunt you and make your life miserable for doing wrong. I think now or when you’re in a scenario when you are forced to do wrong you just have to think twice and realized whatever your decision is it’s going to affect your life in many ways.   

President Day

Presidents’ Day is an American holiday celebrated on the third Monday in February. According to the federal government, the holiday observed on the third Monday in February is officially Washington's Birthday. But many Americans believe that this holiday is now called "Presidents' Day," in honor of both Presidents Washington and Lincoln, whose birthdays are Feb. 22 and Feb. 12, respectively. The purpose of Presidents Day is to celebrate the American presidency and remember all those who served as President of the United States. Presidents' Day in 2015 is on Monday, the 16th of February. Some ways we can show honor and respect it’s by watching movies about presidents, or simply to research about them so you can knowledge their personal life and how they changed the USA. Some things that show honor and respect its reporters talk about it all over the news and state their importance to the USA.I think it’s a good idea to honor Presidents Day because it shows how much we care and respect them.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Student Success Statement
“Right is right only when entire”
By: Victor Hugo


I agree with this quote from Victor Hugo because if something it’s right and its half wrong and can’t be right. So in order for something to be right it has to be entirely right.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Student Success Statement
“In life as in football, you won’t go far, unless you know where goalposts are”
        By: Arnold H. Glasgow  


I definitely agree with this quote from Arnold H. Glasgow because if you want to success in life but don’t know where to head or make your stop you’re going to get lost looking for it and you won’t accomplish it. In other words if you know where you’re heading it’s going to be easier for you to succeed and be what you want to be.
History of Basketball

James Naismith invented basketball in 1891 in Springfield Massachusetts in the USA. Dr. James invented the game because he wanted the athletes to have something to play during the winter. The objective of the game was to throw the basketball, into the fruit baskets nailed to the lower railing of the gym balcony.  The funny part was that at first the basketball didn't have a hole to let the ball out so every time a point was scored, the game was stopped so the janitor could bring out a ladder and retrieve the ball. After a while, the bottoms of the fruit baskets were removed. Basketball is different today because now we have more than 100 rules while back then they only had 13. In addition back then they played basketball with a soccer ball now we have the right ball to play basketball. At the beginning the game was played with 18 players nine in each team the game was 30 minutes long 15 each half. 

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Duties and responsibilities
  Some duties of a veterinarian are to examine animals to detect and determine the nature of diseases or injuries. Also to treat sick or injured animals by prescribing medication, setting bones, dressing wounds, or performing surgery. Lastly collect body tissue, feces, blood, urine, or other body fluids for examination and analysis.
$84,460 annually
Veterinarians are required to complete a four-year Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) program in addition to undergraduate school. These professionals are also required to obtain licensure to practice in the profession.


Yes I would love to become a veterinarian because I love animals and it would be fun.
Student Success Statement
“Only those live who do good.”

      By: Count Leo Tolstoy
Well according to this quote only people that do good live, I think its referring to the fact that they live a good life because we all live but if we chose to do bad things we don’t live a good life but a bad one. Society now a days are confusing the bad we the good we have gone too far. In my opinion I think that we are mean creatures that don’t appreciate the live god gave us and he and himself gave up for us so we could be forgiven for all of our sins. So do good and you’re going to live a life you always dreamed of and hoped to have.


I think, what the 15 year old guy did is really touching the fact that he couldve kept the money and went to the field trip its really nice. I think we need more people like him in this world. Also the lady she had many reasons to keep her own money but she decided to let the guy keep him so he could be allowed to go to the field trip and play with the band. It makes me realize that not all people are the same, because if you think about it his father was the one that stole the money and the guy could’ve done the same at least that’s what I thought he was going to do but no. 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Western Medicine Doctor
 Duties and responsibilities
Doctors) see patients, prescribe medications, perform surgeries, and deliver babies in hospitals, medical centers, and offices across the United States and overseas. They also use all the standard tools of modern medicine, but also have additional therapeutic modalities with which to care for their patients.
The annual income $200,000 -$300,000, depending on your contract details.
To be able to become a western medicine doctor you are required a Bachelor’s degree.


NO I would not like to become a western medicine doctor because it required to much money and time.